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scim-unikey is now in the AUR

Updated: at 08:01 AM

I’ve just made a PKGBUILD (including the source code) for scim-unikey version 0.2a~20090218 to the AUR. On the main page of the project, the latest stable version you could find is 0.1.2, which is quite old at the moment, and they don’t have a public Subversion url right now. The author runs a thread on Ubuntu-vn forum (in Vietnamese) to call for testers for the next release (0.2) of the project. The packaging process is a little bit tricky, because the project does not have a valid url to fetch the source code during the build process, so what I’ve done is to set the ‘source’ of the PKGBUILD file to the source tarball of scim-unikey in the same directory like this:


You have to make sure that the file scim-unikey-20090218.tar.bz2 is located at the same directory as the PKGBUILD file.

Then run the command:

makepkg --allsource

This will create a file .src.tar.gz, upload that file to the AUR to share the fun with others!

To install this package, simply run the command:

yaourt -S scim-unikey

Follow the instructions (on screen) after you install the package to configure scim-unikey.

There is a small toolbar pop up every time a new application is executed, it’s very annoying, to disable it, just Right-click on the Scim icon on the system tray, select Hide Toolbar.


-If you are a Java developer and Eclipse is your IDE of choice, it’s likely scim-unikey will not work properly with “vanilla” Eclipse setup. Here is the my bug report. Solution is simple, just right-click on your main editor, select Input Method —> Scim Input Method or Scim Bridge Input Method depending on which one you are using.


13th March 2009: update scim-unikey to version 20090313 to the AUR.

16th May 2009: update scim-unikey to version 0.2.0 to the AUR.

11th July 2009: update scim-unikey to version 0.3~r32 to the AUR to fix a problem with scim 1.4.8+ on Firefox and Epiphany

14th September 2009: update scim-unikey to version 0.3.1